Are you ready to get started investing but need to get your financial house in order? Maybe you are paying high amounts of interest on credit cards? Or maybe you don't have a lot of debt but you don't have any spare cash to invest? Personal loans, which are available from a number of sources, may be the answer. Many personal loans are available at interest rates well below credit cards, which would allow you to pay off your debt and get started investing quicker. Maybe you qualify for a lower interest rate on your personal loan than the rate of return on the investment you are planning. Banks call that positive "leverage" and that's a good thing since you are earning a "spread" over the cost of your money. This is how the wealthy make more money using "other people's money." Best of all, the interest you pay on loans used for investing may be tax deductible, but make sure you talk to your accountant first. Also, make sure you have a plan for limiting losses if your investment doesn't work out. If you borrow money for an investment and it goes to zero, not only do you lose your investment, you still have to pay back the loan!
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Using Personal Loans to Jump Start Your…
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Are you ready to get started investing but need to get your financial house in order? Maybe you are paying high amounts of interest on credit cards? Or maybe you don't have a lot of debt but you don't have any spare cash to invest? Personal loans, which are available from a number of sources, may be the answer. Many personal loans are available at interest rates well below credit cards, which would allow you to pay off your debt and get started investing quicker. Maybe you qualify for a lower interest rate on your personal loan than the rate of return on the investment you are planning. Banks call that positive "leverage" and that's a good thing since you are earning a "spread" over the cost of your money. This is how the wealthy make more money using "other people's money." Best of all, the interest you pay on loans used for investing may be tax deductible, but make sure you talk to your accountant first. Also, make sure you have a plan for limiting losses if your investment doesn't work out. If you borrow money for an investment and it goes to zero, not only do you lose your investment, you still have to pay back the loan!