Bitcoin-like gold-offers proof of time. No other asset, item, or object can offer you this. You get to capture all the human capital & commodity it took at that time to create it. So in a sense the reason why Bitcoin-like gold-is valuable inflation hedge has to do with it's ability to capture in real time the cost of resources-human or otherwise.
Great post! It's no wonder America has an obesity problem and more than half of adults have no investable assets. Many aren't thinking, planning, and executing for the long term.
Bitcoin-like gold-offers proof of time. No other asset, item, or object can offer you this. You get to capture all the human capital & commodity it took at that time to create it. So in a sense the reason why Bitcoin-like gold-is valuable inflation hedge has to do with it's ability to capture in real time the cost of resources-human or otherwise.
Great post! It's no wonder America has an obesity problem and more than half of adults have no investable assets. Many aren't thinking, planning, and executing for the long term.