The key to being able to save and invest is having positive personal cash flow. The best approach is to have multiple sources of positive cash flow, not just your paycheck. This is often called "making money while you sleep" and it really is possible! You just have to start small, be disciplined and patient and don't get discouraged! Each one source individually might not amount to much - maybe only $50 to $100 per month, but when you add them all up it can be a lot of money and can help supplement what you bring home on your paycheck. If you're really successful, it can ultimately replace your paycheck and you can become Financially Independent and Retire Early (FIRE). What is the best way to accomplish this? Here are several simple steps that you can take to help get to that goal.
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10 Steps to Positive Personal Cash Flow
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The key to being able to save and invest is having positive personal cash flow. The best approach is to have multiple sources of positive cash flow, not just your paycheck. This is often called "making money while you sleep" and it really is possible! You just have to start small, be disciplined and patient and don't get discouraged! Each one source individually might not amount to much - maybe only $50 to $100 per month, but when you add them all up it can be a lot of money and can help supplement what you bring home on your paycheck. If you're really successful, it can ultimately replace your paycheck and you can become Financially Independent and Retire Early (FIRE). What is the best way to accomplish this? Here are several simple steps that you can take to help get to that goal.